Garg - Fierce
The people are the Spirit of the Highlands and their voices are what brings that spirit alive
Seall sa Ghàidhlig
This work follows a story that arises first with the two great shinty games between Strathglass and Glen Urquhart in 1887 and 1888. It then moves through the years with Macdonald Cup that was presented in 1948 by James Macdonald who played in those games. Finally, it arrives in the present day and how this shinty rivalry has continued and enriched the lives of the two communities.
Through recording and translating Gaelic songs and poems about shinty from the two districts, creating new Gaelic poetry, curating new and old photographs and recording people from both districts talking about the impact of shinty, we are bringing alive the Gaelic heritage of the two districts again and marking the legacy of shinty in the two districts as well.
I was not very surprised about much with this project as I knew how strong and proud the people are of shinty in the area, and I understood very well that it was a strongly Gaelic district at one time. Yet the greatest pleasure from the project was getting to know the Gaelic poetry of Ewen Macdonald, Eòghann Shìm, who played for Strathglass in 1887 and passed away in 1941. I would like to bring his poetry alive again in the future.