Why register?
Registering allows you to create your own collection of itineraries throughout the Highlands and Islands. Starting from one of our curated itineraries, you can add locations, re-order them, and share it with others. Alternatively you can build your own from scratch just add any of our locations to get started!
You'll also be able to add your own notes to the itinerary and upload images so you can keep store your memories of your time in the Highlands and Islands, or ideas of what you want to see and do on your next visit.
How to build an itinerary
From an itinerary page:
Click "Add this itinerary to my collection".
You'll then be directed to this itinerary, and it will also be available on the "My itineraries" page that you can get to from the menu bar.
From a location page:
Click "Add this location to an itinerary".
You can then choose one of your existing itineraries to add this location to, or, enter the name of a new itinerary.
When you're done click "Add to itinerary".
How to edit an itinerary
There are many things you can do with your itinerary:
Click on the "Edit" link to the right of its title to change the title or add some introductory text.
Click "Upload some images for your itinerary" to upload your own photos or inspirations for your visit. (Every location you add to an itinerary will also get it's own image).
If you hover over any of the thumbnails you will see a wastebasket icon. Clicking this will delete the image. There's also a home icon. Clicking this makes this image the main one for the itinerary.
Alongside the upload button there's a "Share" button which allows you to share your itinerary with someone else. Suggest your custom journey to friends and family as inspiration for your next adventure!
Click on the "Add a note about this itinerary" to add a note.
Existing notes are shown in full underneath the "My notes" section.
If you hover over an existing note a pencil icon appears to its right. Click on this to edit or delete the note.
Your itinerary route
Once your itinerary has more than two locations, the map will be updated to show a route through these locations. You'll also be able to access additional links that show the route on Google Maps.
In the "Destinations on my itinerary" section, each destination has some icons to the right-hand side:
Click the up or down arrows to re-order the locations.
Click the wastebasket icon to delete the location.
You can also click on these locations to go to their respective page.