Unexpected Links to My Ancestors
By Gyll Curtis-Machin
...my writing feels more real now... I feel connected to those others, my kin, whose experience is universal.
To help with the grief that I felt on my father's death, I joined a WEA writing class and scribbled these thoughts on 'Being Highland', although I wasn't born here.
I wrote:
'Being Highland is to have travelled beyond these shores; moved away to study, to work, to raise a family but to always have the mountains, rivers, lochs, forests, song of the birds, and the splash of the trout and the blessed pure, clean air coursing through our veins.'
Being Highland, Gyll Curtis-Machin
It was only after getting enmeshed in the pleasurable detective story that is family history that I realised that my ancestors really were Highlanders dating all the way back to the 16th century in Beauly and Glen Affric but they, like me, had a shared experience of travelling far and leaving their home for a time.
During the pandemic, listening to the stories of Syrian and Afghan refugees, and reflecting on what it might feel like to be uprooted, displaced, by war or economic necessity, my writing feels more real now. Not just a silly wee scribble. I feel connected to those others, my kin, whose experience is universal.
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