John Login
By Rosemary Anderson
Visitors to Orkney are able to stay in the house where John Login once lived (it used to be called Login's Inn), but which is now one of two dwelling houses - one of which guests can stay in, now called "Norland", 10 South End, Stromness. The building goes back to the mid 1700's and is right on the sea and has a history steeped in the Hudson Bay Company and the nearby fresh water supply for all the ships that came into Stromness Harbour. The famous well (Login's Well) is diagonally opposite the old Login's Inn. Guests can now enjoy staying in modern day comfort while they get a touch of the history of this interesting man and era that he lived in.
Image provided by VisitScotland/ Kenny Lam
Login s Well, Stromness - once source of fresh water drawn upon by some of Orkney's famous explorers
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