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Glen Lochay, Highland Perthshire (Credit: VisitScotland/Paul Tomkins)
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Heartlands - Scotland & Poland


Scotland & Poland Journey Stone
Image provided by The Heartlands Stitchers
Scotland & Poland Journey Stone base
Image provided by The Heartlands Stitchers


Kaja writes about herself as:

...a shop manager and Eco-living geek. After finishing college (garment technology technician) in 2011 I moved to Scotland to join my parents, who had lived here for 5 years already, just for a year. I completely fell in love with the community in my town, with the views and with Scotland.

I spend my weekends visiting different places here and continue to do so now with my two kids (7 & 9). Perthshire feels like home in a way a place never felt before. It is here that I found people that share my passion for supporting our environment and making changes that make a difference through refill stations, climate café, and many environmental initiatives. I love all things creative that bring people together and that can showcase how amazing Perthshire is – it was one of the reasons that I decided to take part in this project.

Kaja’s daughter Hanna, age nine, says she:

...loves to experiment with baking and ‘create randomness cakes’ where I don’t follow any recipe.

Sallie who is retired and lives in Blair Atholl Enjoys knitting, reading and gardening and knitted the poppies. She writes:

I started knitting poppies for the Atholl Country Life Museum when they featured 100 years since WW1 and also sent some poppies to the library when they were selling them for Poppy Day.

Sallie owns sighthounds and a thoroughbred broodmare, and has been lucky enough to have bred a winner!

Kaja and Hanna, of the Heartlands Stitchers
Image provided by The Heartlands Stitchers

Many thanks to the Heartland Stitchers, and to Kaja, Hanna and Sallie, for sharing with us this incredible story behind their panel, created as part of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands.


Prior to the beginning of the stitching of each tapestry panel, each stitcher of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands was tasked with telling their interpretation of the 'Spirit of the Highlands and Islands' within a blank outline of a stone. The possibilities were truly endless - is it represented in the land? The people? A historical site? A favourite memory?

In any case, each journey stone represents the connection between each individual stitcher, their story, and their own sense, or 'spirit', of place. Discover more of the stories behind the journey stones of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands here.