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Footprints and Tracks

By Ann Tilbury

Footprints and tracks Journey Stone
Image provided by Ann Tilbury

My journey stone is about my family’s bond with the landscape which have been such a wonderful part of our lives since we moved to the Black Isle in 2007. I chose tracks and footprints to symbolise the temporal nature of this bond.

Across the stone run two sets of bike tracks - one straight - reflecting my husband’s road cycling and one winding reflecting my son and husband’s love of mountain biking. The two sets of boot prints represent the many wonderful woodland walks my daughter and I have shared and the trail runs with my husband. Every walk and run, day, night, snow, sunshine, and rain offers something different. The dog prints are for our little Parsons Russell Terrier - we’ve explored so many more paths since she joined us and each has been made more interesting by her curiosity. The cat prints are for our two cats and the bird prints represent all the wonderful birds that visit our garden. Snowdrops, dandelions, and harebells are only a few of the flowers we see on our walks. The cliffs, rocks, and rolling waves are a reminder of the many family walks along the coastline.

Many thanks to Ann Tilbury for sharing with us the story behind her journey stone, created as part of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands.


Prior to the beginning of the stitching of each tapestry panel, each stitcher of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands was tasked with telling their interpretation of the 'Spirit of the Highlands and Islands' within a blank outline of a stone. The possibilities were truly endless - is it represented in the land? The people? A historical site? A favourite memory?

In any case, each journey stone represents the connection between each individual stitcher, their story, and their own sense, or 'spirit', of place. Discover more of the stories behind the journey stones of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands here.