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Inverewe Gardens, Wester Ross (Credit: VisitScotland/Paul Tomkins)
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Our Morag (a poem)

By Ewe Stitchers

Now, we are By Ewe;

now, we are stitchers.

Skilled and strong and proud,

but not at first.

There we were,

some known, some half-known, some unknown.

There was she,

a life-like figure on linen.

Where to start?

How to start?

Could we do it?

Should we do it?

Meeting together,

we discussed, decided, practised.

Coming together,

we stitched, we couched, we appliqued.

We gave her a name, the figure.

She became Morag, our Morag.

We stitched her hair; we stitched her dress.

She slowly waked, began to live.

Soon, she will be completed,

our kelp gatherer, our Morag.

Soon, we will give her back,

our beautiful Morag.

Then we will be mothers

who celebrate our well grown child.

Then we will be mothers

who mourn the loss of that same child.

Many thanks to the Ewe Stitchers for sharing with us this incredible story behind their panel, created as part of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands.


Prior to the beginning of the stitching of each tapestry panel, each stitcher of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands was tasked with telling their interpretation of the 'Spirit of the Highlands and Islands' within a blank outline of a stone. The possibilities were truly endless - is it represented in the land? The people? A historical site? A favourite memory?

In any case, each journey stone represents the connection between of each individual stitcher, their story, and their own sense, or 'spirit', of place. Discover more of the stories behind the journey stones of the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands here.