Catch and Hold
The sounds, flora and fauna of the Scottish Highlands are revealed through a tale of billowing stories, caught on-the-wind. Geese call overhead whilst heather-clad hills and plant minutiae are captured on the 'sail'. Folds of burgundy-red fabric mirror ripples seen in peaty, sun-drenched, burns. Cascading water jogs around-and-aboot. Found sound rhythmically loops whilst birds call out.
'Catch-and-Hold' is an elemental Artist's Film that is set against nature's epic backdrop: Glen Mazeran (film location) is arterial, its valley carries the waters of the Mazeran Burn, sometimes known as Mazeran Water, in an easterly direction to meet Strathdearn, south-west of Tomatin. This sense of precipitation, flow and continuum is mirrored in the work itself, in terms of visual language, edit style and soundscape.