The Clootie Well
The Spirit of the Highlands to me is a combination of culture, community, family and adventure. A shared love of the land. Stories of legends, myths and history. The power it holds on us. The beauty and brutalness of the Highlands ancient landscape.
I’ve always been intrigued by the Black Isles Clootie Well. The mystery it holds. The connection I feel walking onto its grounds. The curiosity of the ancient tradition of dipping a ‘cloot’ in the stream that flows through the wee hill. How people see it as a place of healing.
I was inspired by the goddess.
I was inspired to give her a voice.
What’s her story?
A forgotten goddess that began her journey during Pagan times. The fascination and superstition of the place. The connection that is felt.
How did it all began? Will you be cursed by tearing down the cloots of The Clootie Well?
Who is the goddess? Is she still here or did she fade away a long time ago?
Listen to the audio piece - her voice! - and you will find out.
The River Goddess of Clootie Well
Clootie Well, a scared spring, a tree grows nearby, a goddess resides within.
Cloots dipped in her spring hang upon her branches.
A prayer or a wish asked in her name.
They come seeking our goddess for healing.
- A quote from The River Goddess of Clootie Well
I’m surprised by the fierce protectiveness of the Clootie Well that I’ve witness people express from the “clear up” incident. I’m also shocked that someone actually took down all those wishes, prayers and cloots from branches and roots. Cleared away apart of Highland culture.
I wonder how the River Goddess feels about it? I wonder if a curse will follow?