Journey Stone Collection
Discover the stories of the stitchers behind the Tapestry of the Highlands and Islands through their personal journey stones.
Final Fling Bunting
Discover the spirit of community in Kingussie in this journey stone story
Eagle Eyes!
A reminder of precious times with our grandchildren.
"The tapestry is a snapshot of our lives and the changes we've seen."
Sunset Over The Moray Firth
"Living at the shore of Buckie provided beautiful sunsets and endless seascapes."
Guttin’ Quines Clootie Fingers
"These women were young girls, wives, mothers and grannies all working tirelessly for a living in an industry that was all they knew. "
Symbols Live on
"I wonder about the people who incised the stones with mythical creatures spirals and circles. What stories do they want us to hear?"
Mary Ann & Barry Heck
"As my mother had farmed all her life she had a direct connection to the life of Mary Ann on her croft."
Music of the Spey
"The traditional music which they play is embedded in the local culture and has been for many generations."
Croick Church Etching
"These etchings are preserved and are a very poignant reminder of this dark period of Highland history."